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Strengthening trans and gender diverse health, rights, and wellbeing.

The Professional Association for Trans Health Ireland (PATHI) is an all-island multidisciplinary organisation representing, supporting, and connecting those working to strengthen the health, rights, and wellbeing of all trans and gender diverse people across Ireland.


PATHI envisions a future where all trans and gender diverse people in Ireland have full access to appropriate healthcare and all healthcare providers have access to information and resources which enable them to provide appropriate healthcare.

By appropriate healthcare, we mean care that is free, safe, timely, person-centred, accessible in community and primary care settings, based on informed consent, and self-determined — following the needs of the community and international best practice.


PATHI’s mission is to advocate for and promote the advancement of health and wellbeing for all trans and gender diverse people.



Educate professionals on the health, rights and wellbeing of trans and gender diverse people and develop and promote research, knowledge exchange and high-quality, evidence-based care.


Facilitate networking, communication and collaboration, and create supportive environments for professionals working with trans and gender diverse people.


Promote healthcare based on co-production with and leadership of the trans community, including: depathologisation, decentralisation, the informed consent model and community-based care.


Advocate for institutional, policy, and legislative reform to advance trans and gender diverse people’s health using our collective knowledge and expertise.


PATHI is made up of people — both transgender and cisgender — who work professionally in the advancement of the health, rights or wellbeing of trans and gender diverse people across a variety of settings throughout Ireland. As a multidisciplinary professional association, PATHI is open to members working, volunteering, or studying in any of these fields:

Primary Health

This includes but is not limited to professionals working in medicine, nursing, and midwifery.

Allied Health

This includes all allied healthcare professionals across all settings, such as those working in mental health and pharmacy.

Law & Policy

This includes but is not limited to professionals working in law, government, public health, and policy. 

Advocacy & Community Organising

This includes but is not limited to professionals working in community outreach, advocacy, and organising.

Research & Education

This includes but is not limited to professionals working in academia, education, and research.


To become a member of the Professional Association for Trans Health Ireland, simply fill out a membership application form.